Monday, December 20, 2010

My little aunty visited

Kristine Tiong
My little aunty
She is two years younger than me
It is a little bit quite complicated
but those who know me well may can at least guess a bit.
no doubt, she is my aunty :)

It is really hard to meet them
First time, when I was only five or six I guess
I visited them with grand-mum in KK 
We were still young but still we mix well
The whole family migrated to Aussie since don't know when.
and the second time we met, it's when we were around teenage
they came back all the way from Aussie
I miss them so much after they went back.
and now, it's only the third time!!
It was a very very long time after all
But it seems something like a bond that hold us tight
I felt so familiar even though we didn't meet for such a long time.

We changed their plan from staying at Federal Hotel but moved to our place.
Luckily they did, then we had fun together for at least two nights :)

her little boyfriend with Jeran sweat like hell.
He was with her together this time.
little bit shy and a little bit funny
but then he still mix well with us after these days
Hope to see you soon :)

Brother and sister
although the gap is quite a big different
trust me, they are still brother and sister :)

Gugu and three sisters

Gugu, they all cried after you left
They miss you so much
so make sure you come back next year!!

Mickey and Minnie
Plain and Winnie
My little aunty, I gonna miss you for a very long time again :(
How I wish my flight can change to a bit earlier
so that I can meet all of you again in Sibu
Baby, Yi, Kim, Yao
I want to meet you!!
All of you!!!
I want I want I want :(


Monday, December 13, 2010


看看看不出吧? 呵呵
终于的终于 她还是跟我们同岁了!!

按惯例 我们去吃了一餐
Alexis 有着很不错的环境
值得一试 ~ 
这蛋糕是超级无敌美味到 我不会形容 尤其是我的蓝梅芝士 ♥

恕我无知 这还是我第一次知道什么是 LOMO

顺带一提 这个我超爱!!!
上网找答案 问朋友
你传给我 我传给你
好啦 其实是很多 呵呵

最后 当然少不了大合照
怎么着 又少了一个人
罗小姐回家乡了 :(

所以 还是想习惯性的放张真正大合照
完整一点 ♥

你只有这张不美 我只有这张美 将就下吧
爱顶撞老师 坚持自己想要的 家里有10个手指才数得完的兄弟姐妹 背书超有天分尤其历史 怕打针(会哭的那种) 爱追戏 向往韩国 为人随和 不爱计较 电死人的眼睛 最重要的 她  

再说下去她肯定会杀了我 呵呵
陈玲敏 其实我真的超级开心的
所以 请继续保持着

我会很珍惜很珍惜 ♥

最后 再一次祝你生日快乐

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Weeds Weeds Weeds
Dust Dust Dust
I'm back!!!

I've gone too far, I know.
One and the only post for ' lovely ' November?
Sorry to my blog
Try my best not to leave you alone, again.

November, there was a lot.
But the deep impression left inside my mind right now
I was rushing my assignments
locked myself inside the room for the exam preparation
and Yea, my exam is now over!
I done my short SEM 1 in Help UC
Too fast? That's exactly what I want!
At least I would say now after everything is over :)

Ohya, I experienced my Lord a lot during these few months.
Everything and anything,
Thank you Jesus
for being by my side!
I LOVE YOU always~

My recent drama
Hi Sweetheart
*I know I am outdated*

I love Rainie Yang!!!

Stop here. 
Today is 9th December.
My brother and my babe's birthday fall together.
Gonna have fun tonight with babes
and I promise
Next post will be for YOU ♥

Friday, November 5, 2010


没开玩笑 我真的忙到乱七八糟
才开学不到三个礼拜 法学作业的截止日期就到了
三个礼拜? 那教授是觉得我们可以写什么好东西出来?
庆幸 当我在毫无头绪时
真的 有感动到

琴说她帮我搞定!! 那天晚上我连睡觉都是笑着的!

好吧 交了个人的法学作业
还有经济作业 会计期中考。。。
我有种 快不能呼吸了的感觉
这 就是所谓的大学吗?
根本不可能停 也不能停

当然我知道 这就是生活
过得太清闲 有时会觉得很没意义
所以 即使感觉快不能呼吸
有目标的人生  喜欢!

所以 明天绝对不碰书!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


翻了翻旧文件 突然看到了这个影片
还记得吗 这是101为我们而设的毕业礼物
那个毕业典礼 哭得稀里哗啦
没有彼此 前面的路该怎么走

然 时间好快 两年 就这么过了
剩下的 只有这部影片 汉这篇部落格 

每每看回这影片 都会很感触
好久没联络了 但这影片 让我感觉
我们依旧还是那样 紧紧联系着
我真的 真的 好想念你们 ♥

想念 一起上学 一起补习
想念 一起为考试努力 一起放肆玩乐
想念 总是上课聊天谈心
想念 总爱把功课抄来炒去
想念 最调皮 却最聪明的我们
想念 当我有问题 你们一定会帮我(其实我真的觉得你们很疼我)
想念 想念 想念
我真得很想念 很想念 每一刻的我们
当思念涌上心头 谁都束手无策 不是吗?

谢谢你们 这回忆 太美好
要记上一辈子 绝对不是问题 ♥

结论#我还是很想念你们 =(

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bio-Home Product

This is my first time to promote a product!
It was a Saturday and Sunday at University of Malaya's Eco Film Fest! It was all about preserve and protect our environment!

Stella Chong Hui Ming in the uniform.
Tan Yan Yue in the uniform.

Can you see can you see? These are my first promoted product! Actually the Dove Choco last week should be the first but that was only giving out sample and no sale was needed. These, I have to promote and persuade, sell them as many as possible!

Let me tell you about the product and benefit of them, as a promoter! They are Bio-Home products, under Lam Soon Company. We are selling the dishwash liquid and also multi purpose cleaner. Both of them are local but carry the Green Label endorsed by Singapore Environment Council. Obviously, they are environmentally friendly. Biodegradable and recycable material, they help us to at least do our small part to preserve the environment. Besides, they are chemical free! They made of plant-based ingredients such as coconut, corn, potato, and palm. Thus, they are gentle to your hand, your skin. However, it is nothing about gentle when they come to cleaning and degreasing. They can clean very effectively with a faintly smell of lemongrass and green tea fragrance left. The dishwash liquid is very concentrate. One bottle of 500ml cost you RM6 but can last for more than 2 months. The multi purpose cleaner is not in the market yet, so we are selling the small sample for market test. The MPC should be dilute in water too, for you to wipe your table, floor, microwave, oven, window, and everything! The benefit is, it can dry very quickly thus reduce the footprints and you won't feel sticky after using it. And again, it costs only RM2.50 per bottle with 100ml. Good news, since we are promoting and doing promotion, if you get 2 bottle of the dish wash which will cost you only RM12, you can get one 100ml of MPC from us! =)

Are you interested? Being convinced? If you are not, it's ok! We had a lot of customers being persuaded by us! I am so proud of myself and Tan Yan Yue! It's still ok if you want to say that I'm perasan or whatever, I still feel very happy about our sale! First time of mine, it isn't perfect, but I work my best, and I really satisfy with it!=)

Our Saturday night din din.
Kenny Rogers after our long day stand! I felt like all the calories I lost gained back in one meal!! Sort of guiltiness~

P/S: Time really passes so slow during the job. But then it is all over now =D


Tuesday, October 12, 2010



没有原因 时间好快
没有原因 生活很忙
没有原因 突然想念
没有原因 。。。

没有原因 我坚信
精英大学 不要 让我后悔

最近 好像又有很多烦心的事
站到腿几乎失去知觉 换来不多不少的80零吉
心说 舍不得
但我 无能为力
破财消灾 是这样用的吧?
总会偷偷想想 要是一天有48小时那该有多好
我可以做很多 很多
然 另一方面再想想
做更多 不就等于烦更多?
所以的所以 还是算了吧
一丝后悔 都不留

祝我学业进步 =)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

19th Birthday

Let me start from 25th Sept 2010

Ms. Lo had persuaded me for very very very long time.
She keep asking and requesting
and when it didn't show its effect
She finally used non-stop calling, forcing and even threatening
Yup! She won at last of course!

I couldnt drive
I may not be able to stay over night
I don't know how to get to sunway
Ms. Lo solved everything for me!
How sweet and touch is she?
and that's why
I was at Yuen Buffet Steamboat that night!
BTW, a big big thank to Joon Ming for fetching me all the way from Kepong to Sunway!

Here goes the surprise.
Ms. RR lie that Ms. ahming felt down and wanted us to go down have a look
I went with my hasty heartbeat pumping hoping that she was fine.
and guess what
The guys hid themselves behind the cars
They pricked balloons around me and followed by a Happy Birthday Song

Celebrating birthday by the roadside.
My very EXPENSIVE Cake.
Cake cutting ceremony.
Then, it was finally time to eat!

Yuen's variety.
BBQ Chicken wings are the hottest one! That was the first time I fight for food like that. Just can't stop laughing.. hahaha
My comment means a lot to them I guess.. lol
The funny guys.
The lovely girls.
I was surprised to see everyone of them were there
They said they waited me for so long to come down
They said they planned themselves just to give me a surprise
They said they spent a lot for my buffet and birthday cake

Casa Subang's gang
Your planned that for me!
I do really appreciate it so much!
I don't know how many times of thank you should I say
It will never ever be enough though
Girls and guys,
Birthday Song don't really warmed my heart, but you!

So cute!
BTW, I thought tinglingming and lawnana will be there
I really think so...
How much I wish that they were lying
But they didn't show up even at the very last minute
It indeed broken my heart!
I don't know why
Just feel like
We should actually celebrate it together
It is our tradition since long time ago
4 of us...
PLEASE Promise me...
No more next time.. I can't take it!

27th Sept 2010

Something happen that forced me to cancel the meeting with my sisters.
But I am going to skip that part as this is all about my birthday.
So please sisters, just don't ever dump me anymore!

It was last year! and I miss it!
Anyway, thanks babe Nana for coming over to my house!
That was a wonderful night.
Sometimes, nothing more is needed
A momment together and a little heart-talk will melt my heart!

It is from Delicious and It really tasted delicious ♥
White Baby-G from them and Na's heart- words!
Thanks thanks thanks! I will put that around my wrist most of the time! 

28th Sept 2010

It was finally my big day!
Thanks for the FB greeting from everyone
I did read through all those and at least click a 'like' on it.
Yup! Although FB not really that real and sincere in my opinion
But I still appreciate it!

Funny monkey from meimei Jo Yee, Long long message from ahming and dekai.
 And also I got a birthday song from the Chrisdale Kids!
I felt so weird when all of them went into my classroom which shouldn't be happen
and when I just wanted to ask what was happening
I heard one, two, three from my Aunty
followed by a Happy Birthday Song from the kids
They are just so cute and adorable
Thanks =)

My aunty gave me a surprisedgift!
When I came down from the staircase
The yellow bear box was just on top of the cupboard!!
I was so happy to see my name on the card
It was the present for me!!

The yellow colour pair and a birthday card! The bottom of the left hand side is the writing of my 4 years old baby Jeran!!
That night, uncle brought us to a dinner as to celebrate my birthday!
Thanks for everything
Family and relatives are totally different!!
And please you are family ♥

29th Sept 2010

A day later, I receieved a present from Teacher Yan Yan and her sister Joe Yee.

The pink colour heart-shape earphone. The cute cute card with cute cute Stella teaching the Mandarin. lol
Thank you TAN YAN YUE
Since You said you want to see your bigbig name
I used capital letter and Bold it
Satisfied? lol

1st Oct 2010

I thought that is it for my birthday
God knows there was still a big surprise waiting for me!!
They kept that for so long
and even my aunty was in it too!
I felt something wrong when my aunty stopped me from having my lunch at centre
But then her explanation is going to bring me to a better place and eat
Fine. Accpeted. But I still felt something wrong...
Then Then Then
When I followed her to go out
When She suddenly stopped her car and ordered me to Get down from the car
I saw Sandra's car with Bishbish and Yanyan inside!!!!
That shocked me for a very long time
When I finally realised
I was inside sandra's car
with my eyes blind folded!!!
all the way from Sandra's car to One U's Plus One ShabuShabu

I am Stupid I am Silly I am Crazy!
When I finally get the permission to open my eyes...

Ah Jun had the birthday cake in front of me!
Again, Birthday Song~~~
I wished and blew the candles
Then, someone touched my shoulder
when I turned around...

VicVic was holding another birthday cake!!!
Another Birthday Song
and and and and
the room suddenly became so many people
So many of them came out from the other joined room!!
They were all there to celebrate my birthday!!!

They seriously smacked onto the cake! Then, he was the next!
Funny ahxiang gave me the chopsticks present!
Girl's gang
ChiiYong. Michael.Leon.
Topshop G-string. Ducd'O Choco.GraduationOwl.
I felt like crying...
It was so touching
Thank you so much!
and especially thank you Cassandra, Bishbish, YanYan, and VicVic and everyone for planning all these for me.
It really really means a lot to me!!
Next time, please at least give more hints to me!
I want to wear nice nice for my birthday mah=(

Girls and Guys, Babes and Dudes, Friends and Family.
Thank you so much for putting effort in my birthday.
All of you made me feel like I deserved all these
It seems like a dream
But your made my dream comes true
I have thousands of thank you to say
But nothing is better than the 3 words 8 letters.
You know what is that ♥

 PS: It takes me few days to complete. But it worth!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First accident!

Guess the number and get a TOTO! Dont be stingy if you are lucky! lol

Tell me you know Myvi.
Then you will know how serious is it.
That was my first time!!
I don't know what was happening.
Something was inside my mind that time.
distrating and disturbing it
That's how it happened.

It was my first car accident I think.
The poor one is Viva WTQ 6405
Quite a new car actually
I felt so sorry because of my day-dreaming early in the morning =(

Luckily daddy didnt scold
mummy didnt scold
and uncle aunty also didnt scold!! =)
But I gained the experience and promise myself to be more and more careful for the next time!
NEVER EVER make such mistake again! Uurggh~

Anyway.. it happened on 27th September 2010
which is one day before my big day.
So I would like to consider it as a past of my old 18th life
Start from 00.00 28th Sept 2010
I left all the unfortune at the back and headed to my new sweet life
This is also one of the reason that I posted this before my birthday one.
So please wait for the coming new post!

P/S: I am awaiting too!!!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Penang Trip

I was late.. EXTREMELY.. I know ~

Gneting Trip doesn't leave a full stop on my more than one week holiday.
After the meeeting with high school mates, It was time for me to meet new friends =)
I seriously thanks RR for coming up all the way from Puchong to KL Central to pick me and XQ up
It is a little secret so please dont tell anyone. Shhhhhh~

Steambot with Xq, RR and her family.

Thank you for picking us from KL Central
Thank you for taking us to search for suitable Saloon
Thank you for your Steambot dinner
Thank you for the PIANO
Thank you for your brother's room
Thank you for aunty's Dim Sum breakfast
Thank you for fetching us to and from Bukit Jalil
Thank you for the meal when I was hungry
And lastly a very super duper thank you for fetching me home from Puchong to Kepong!!!
I really felt warm when I met you and your family
It is just as what I used to believe
There is still a lot of them in the world who is kind and helpful

Penang Trip
The whole trip is about eat eat eat
We eat from we reached until we back
But seriously
The food and beverage there are just too cheap
KL is totally nothing to be compare with
But they even cheaper than Sibu.. Inconceivable!!
Milo Ice with RM1.30 really shocked me.. a lot!
and guess what
The cheap price doesn't lower down the quality of the food

6th September 2010
6 Sept 2010, 3.16 pm
6 Sept 2010, 3.47 pm
6 Sept 2010, 7.34 pm
6 Sept 2010, 8.06 pm
7th September 2010

I didn't manage to get picture for our breakfast as we did that at Yong Fong's house. Thanks YF and Zubin for getting our breakfast early in the morning before we woke up. And also, Wallace's grandma for the Ice Stick. We found our childhood back while RR finally got hers. =)
Afternoon Beach
Butterfly Farm.
7 Sept 2010, 1.15pm

7 Sept 2010, 2.24pm
After Gek Lo Shi, we went to eat again at about 4.30 pm. Since I am not an asam laksa's lover, I didnt eat that laksa with a legend, 'It is cooked with tissue'. But they still love it!

Then, it was Queensbay Mall walk and a secret of buying Birthday Cake for Sze Ching. Ohyaz I forgot to mention that she was very moody for the whole day since she reached at around 1pm. And the reason is, no one talk about her belated birthday celebration! Of course, we did that purposely Hahaha~

Seafood Dinner
7 Sept 2010, 8.10 pm.
It was exhausted for that night. Our plan was fulled. I would wish to have a refreshing shower after the dinner. But too bad it was only for another group of them. Some of us *including me* accompany Sze Ching (the Birthday Girl) to beach, as she wished. Anyway, just to achieve a little wish of that poor bday girl, I accept that. =P

Night time. RR played Happy Birthday Song with Violin. Wallace held the Birthday Cake. We pulled the 'seems like crying' Sze Ching out from the blanket. It was a simple but touching celebration.

Again, Happy Belated Birthday Sze Ching.
8th September 2010

8 Sept 2010, 8.40 am.

That was a trip with almost everyone I don't know (besides XQ and Danny)
But thanks for being so kind and sweet
You are funny although
But you warmed up the environment so fast
I felt like I had already know all of you for like.. 20 years!
Amazing right? That is what I get from all of you...

Xiaoqin ~ My love.
RR ~ The one who needs people's care so much and yet she still so take care of the others.
Sze Ching ~ I wish that wasn't her real face that whole day. Again, Happy Belated Birthday!
Caleb ~ Keep saying that I'm No.3 =(
Jarry ~ I think I will never ever forget his name or even his face already! He ate a lot too of course!
Danny ~ He is the one who fight for the food with Jarry, non-stop!
Wallace ~ He lack of confidence I guess =P GAMBATEH!
Yong Fung ~ Thanks for being our driver, tour guide, and house lender =)
Zubin ~ He is quite quiet, but he is quite a good navigator (with the use of GPS.hehe)

Future Lawyers, I am so glad to know all of you.
Ms. Lo and Mr. Danny, You should have know that it isn't that easy to meet real friends. But I'm so glad that your found it! Please, cherish each other, as what you did in high school.. or may be more than that..

Again.. thanks everyone.
I enjoy the trip.. very much!