Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Day of the Year 2011.


Since the last week of November, I started to get myself into deep 'trouble'. Made every single mark and plan on the calendar, and I wonder... if I can really manage that much.

First, aunties from Perth came back Malaysia. Well I called them aunties but trust me they are all around the age of mine. Long story so let's just skip that part. Basically, they were here in KL like two weeks time, and I'm glad to have the chance to bring them around. Sunway Lagoon, Mid Valley, Ice Skating...

While they were still here, I have one assignment that due on 12th Dec. So yea, just imagine how I play with my heart worrying about the assignment. How I made myself tired like hell for the days but still needa face to the lappie for the assignment every single night. Just for your information, that wasn't an easy assignment.

I'm glad that I finally managed to get the point for the assignment after tons of research of course. Assignment due on the day my aunties left KL as well as the day I granted myself with 'food poisoning'. Non-stop vomiting since that night and didn't even manage to send my aunties off to the bus station. I am still feeling guilty for that! Keep vomiting and non stop sleeping wasted my three days to 15th of Dec. And I have a mid term test exactly on 17th. Yea... I spent my time resting when I was suppose to be doing my revision. 

Thank God the mid term isnt that terrible and I guess I did it quite well. I just guess. 

Is that over after the midterm? NAHHH

From 18th, another assignment need to get started. Why? The assignment due on 29th with the requirement of turnitin report. That was a group assignment so just imagine how I can't do it without meeting up with my group mates. 

Normally I wouln't start an assignment until the due date come near. This time is different however. That was the hardest assignment I ever met since the Marketing assignment last sem. Everything is just about research research research and still RESEARCH. When you got all your information, you dont just copy and paste. You needa understand before you actually answer the assignment question. Can't imagine what am i talking about? I tell you what, after all, I still screwed my assignment. I screwed it. :(

Well, let's went back to 20th when my parents, brothers, grandmum, great-grand mum, great-aunties, and their sons and daughters were here in KL. That was a total of more than 10. Their flight reached on the same day but different time. So as leaving at SAME DAY but still DIFFERENT TIME.

So yea, we started to walk a lot and shop a lot. My little MyVi is way too tiny for everyone. When there was times that uncle wasn't free to fetch everyone around using his Estima (together with my Myvi and even aunty's Civic), we can just take KTM and Monarail and even Cab. I hate driving but I hate public transport MORE!

Oh yea, on 23rd Dec, we went to Singapore. Yeap, 14 of us with THREE KIDS. In Singapore, I brought my laptop. But only the first night I managed to have time for my assignment. Since the day of two, we just went out from morning till late night. Same goes to the day of Universal Studio. I was exhausted.

Thank God we were back in 26th, 3 days before my assignment due. And that time, I think I have done just 20 percent of the assignment! It is not I don't want to, I just don't have time to. Well, I rushed every night of course. When my parents were still here, they watched my doing my assignment, they fall asleep while my light was still on. Thats the three night before their flight went back to Sibu exactly on the date my assignment due,yea, 29th! 

29th of Dec. This is the day. The day I have been long looking for. The day that I wondered before if I can really reached it. And finally I DID! I don't know how but I just did!!! I sent parents and aunties off to Sibu. I submitted my assignment. My eyes almost close while I was attending the tutorial. I can't concentrate when I was driving. But then I keep telling myself, IT IS THE DAY. The moment I went back home at 6 something in the evening, I changed, I washed my feet, and I SLEPT. 

Now when I look back to the calendar with full marks, I still can't believe my eyes. I actually passed through that whole stuff! I know God's gonna strengthen me! I knew!! 

Done complaining. Sorry if I wrote too much. Just feel like saying something before the year ended. And what I can say about is just my life. So yea, I never waste a single second in my whole December. I swear! 

PS to December: Now I wish that you can stop here.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Birthday Bashes # 4

My gorgeous ones!
These are they, sisters of mine. I guess if you read this, you must be familiar with them. They came out just super duper often ever since I started using BLOGGER XANGA. Yup, they occupied my life since the age of 15. Quite sad for not knowing them earlier, I bet I missed up a lot! But Thank God, we were friends, close friends, and now we are sisters! Again, they called us Firecracker sisters. Reason? We are noisy, anytime anywhere.

Remember my 19th birthday? Well, refer to this POST if you are interested with what had happened last year. THEY FFK & DUMPED ME. I can still remember how heart wrenching it was until this moment. That's scary! And this year, they gave me a SUPER DUPER big SURPRISE!!

Here she is! My Little Qin!

Yup! She, the one who's supposed to be in Adelaide of Australia at that time, appeared right in front of me the moment my eyes were free from babe Nana's hands!! I WAS SHOCKED! I thought who the hell she is! I thought something is wrong with my eyes! I thought I was dreaming! Even after we got into the car, I still can't accept that Ms Lo Siew King is right in front of me, inside the car, talking and laughing with us! So that's what we called surprise! When things happened, you thought you are still dreaming. Thank God, I wasn't as that's unimaginably REAL! :)

First stop, Paparich of Kuchai Lama. We talked non stop. Shot a lot. Simply love them so much! <3
And yea, this sweetest guy, had transportation problem all settled. You know, I don't really like to drive. Well, if there is a choice, I prefer someone to fetch me and let me enjoy the freedom of sitting comfortably inside the car all all all the way. Vincent Goh, Thank You! I can imagine how tired you were for those few days. Seriously THANK YOU. Appreciate :)
Next, we had our dinner at Daorae Korean BBQ Restaurant in Sri Petaling. We love that. We all do!
We had our dinner done in less than 30 minutes! Awesome aren't we? HOHO Of course there were still gossiping chitchatting and photoshooting sessions after the dinner. 

That night, we escaped from our own place. Well, except nana as we were all there in her place to have girl's sleepover night! How long have it been since the last time four of us sleep together? Let me think... I guess it is once only when we went Kuching for the graduation trip! WHATTHE only ONCE? AM I mistaken? We should have that more more more often! 

OH Before that, this was the true meaningful moment when I was driving, passing 23:59:59 of 27-09-11, with my girls inside the car singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY song to me. How sweet they are <3

Tadaaaaaaaaaa four princesses in pajamas with spectacles together with my beloved small pillow and nana's little baby winnie. I can't see anything from the other two. Didn't you brought yours? =P
We had a lot of heart-talk that night. Picture and even secret VIDEO recorded. We had our secrets shared together and after all, we just love each other more and more. When we realized the clock struck 4o'clock in the morning, we forced ourselves to done everything and sleep. Yea, how I wish the birthday girl can make the time to stay for a little bit longer. :(
The next day, birthday girl had her little plan with ex-college mates. So we had our own plan for the day. However, we were still together at night. Desa Park City, that's when and where I received my birthday present from the five of them. Truly love the pressie sooooooooooo much like I love you guys :D

They can always get me what I love the most <3

AGAIN, I wanna say once again to each and everyone of you......

Ms Lo
Ms. Law
Ms. Ting
Mr. Goh

And lastly......... for the one who can't attend and celebrating it together with me, the one who was far away in Penang, the one who care me so much as well...
Mr. Wong (Check out the date! My 17th Birthday! I miss this badly!!!)
THANK YOU!!!!! I love you babes and dudes so much! Thank you for the surprise! Thank you for the celebration! Thank you for being my friend! Thank you for fulfilling some part of my life! You are always love.

The final super last part, I still wanna leave it to my girls! 

So yea, who we are? We don't born to have that kind of blood connection, but our hearts are always sticky to each other. I promised, no one ever gonna replace whatever place that you girls have taken inside my deep heart. You are just so special to me, ALWAYS.

Thursday, November 10, 2011



座位前 ,座位后。




终于赶在明天以前完成了这本书。现在的心情整个"下下下"! 好可惜 好难过。明明就相爱 明明就合适 明明 他们就该在一起。好想好想好想问为什么 真的好想。可怎么办 现在的我 多了用时间换来的成熟。我想 但我不能。即使得到了答案 也未必如心所愿  那 意义何在?这就是最真的故事 我知道。也许吧 维持着那一段友情 那一段暧昧不清的友情 就是最好的答案。

期待了好久好久好久 终于等到了 明天- 2011年11月10日“那些年,我们一起追的女孩” 将在马来西亚正式上映。这是我的第一场 非常确定 我会看超过一次!我一定会!

接下来 也让大家看看这预告片,陪我一起期待吧 :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


开心 期待 兴奋 发狂 这就是我当时的感觉。 清楚的记得,写完最后一个字母 放下笔 带着包包走出考场时 我的脸就是个‘笑’。是的。考试汉回家 是同一天。

那一秒,当飞机降落在那熟悉的地方 那空气 那感觉 整个就是想要呐喊 “我回来了,诗巫,想念我了吗?我超想你!” 当然,这并没有发生 小姐我可不想一下机就被当成疯子 但脸上那抑也抑不住的笑容 我自己也被吓到了 看来 我真的想念了。

这就是睡到自然醒 还管他个日上三竿还是太阳嗮屁股呢 在家 那叫幸福♥

晚上 偶尔会特别想念这个。这是诗巫独有 是亲善美食广场专属的!当然 我听说除了亲善现在也有不少咖啡店在卖着这个 但我相信 亲善的最原始原味 西瓜蜜瓜龙眼blablabla 一个字

有饿了的感觉吗?我有! 都不感觉它当时有多么好吃 现在怎么越看越饿 是我 思念了吗?

这一次回家 有汉一位好久不见的朋友见面 真的是好久不见了 忆芳 你还是一样 那么瘦!

这个我爱 有想学做Egg Mayo的冲动 ;)
Choco Banana? Banana Choco?

超开心 有机会可以更新汉分享我们彼此的近况。希望你可以成功找到一份超好的工作 以后回诗巫就靠你了!呵呵 =P

这是第一次的验血。好吧 我承认 那没有想象中恐怖。针孔插进血管的一瞬间 就像被蚂蚁叮了一叮 没有痛 血液也在不知不觉中被抽出。嗯 下次我可以考虑参加捐血活动了 呵呵

这12天里唯一一个晚上汉朋友出去 真的 就是唯一一个 也不晓得自己什么时候变得这么懒了 就是懒惰带隐形眼镜 懒惰选衣服 懒惰打扮 整个就是懒懒懒!

小姐我这一趟回家 整个就像个宅女。没有太多朋友在家乡,我最爱做的 就是在家煲戏,看了这个接下去看那个。当然 也不是个十全的宅女 那会让我抓狂!偶尔出去洗个头 洗个脸 再不然就来个全身按摩 知道吗 这就是人生。

接下来 全部都是让我可以戴着眼镜 不用打扮 让我没有拘束的家人。

该怎么说呢 我的家人 不常把爱挂在嘴边。我们可以装的很生气 但又可以一下子就消气。最重要的 在家里 我永远都觉得自己像是被捧在手心里的公主。 弟弟们有时爱汉我唱反调 但到最后 他们一定让着我!那份感动 我不会形容。而妈妈 以前的我总爱说她重男轻女 现在我还是这么觉得的 但长大的我知道 她虽然也许可能有多照顾弟弟们一点 但她对我的爱 也是无可置疑的。妈妈就是这样 永远都爱着子女的 不是吗?是因为是家里唯一的女儿吗?爸爸不会汉我说不。当然他会 可每每到最后 他还是会宠着我 让着我。但也因为这样,只要有一点点不对劲 我的眼泪就会淅沥哗啦的 控制不了。就来个比喻吧。今天,应该是爸爸第一次没有送我上机场吧?当我汉他通话的时候 知道他也许赶不及 我一边说 ’不要紧 不用赶回来‘ 但另一边 声音开始哽咽 泪水就开始作俑 最后 把电话丢给小弟。我知道我大个女了,但面对家人 笑声特别大 泪水自然也特别泛滥 这也许就是女人的弱点吧 我猜。

眼咪咪笑着回家 眼湿湿哭着离开

Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday Bashes # 3

Tadaaaaa This is the restaurant of Family-Birthday-Celebration. For those who understand Mandarin, weird name huh? The name 'Nelson Tan' translated directly to Mandarin and guess what, it brings the direrct meaning of ' Bird lays egg' in Mandarin. LOL

Quite love the food there. Chicken Teriyaki  especially! And the price.. damnit reasonable!! Worth trying :)

Cutecutecute? Four Js, my cutest cousins ever! They are.. when they weren't fighting actually hehehhehee :P But still LOVE THEM SO MUCH! <3

Same pattern? They call this 'Sista' ;)
Love her dimples!
Ouch! pinchpinch*
They say Family is Love. To me, can't agree more! No matter what is that fxcking thingy happen in life, they are always there. For times, they may have some opinion that turn you away, but whenever you need them, they are there. Family.. always the first!

Here done the 3rd post of my 20th birthday. Thank you for having it together with me. Seriously, I love you all so much! <3


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Birthday Bashes # 2

Tadaaaaaaaa Here come my second celebration. This is what done by the ex-college mates from SEGI UC. Guess what, I still have last year's surprise in mind until now. That was really a huge and 'horrible' one LOL Anyway, this year I should say that, Thank You for informing me the celebration earlier. ;)

Neway @ One U, our familiar place. :)

Make the wishes. Blow the candles. I am 20 now.
This is the true purpose of the red eggs. 

What should I say? They really knocked the eggs into my head! No kidding! Ouch! :p
That's the first time i received red eggs. Well, that doesn't include when I was a full-moon baby. Ops, that's the baby receive or the parents give out actually? Nahnah doesn't matter. The point is they said they made the eggs themselves! Kinda amazing huh? They are only 20 and they know already how to make that. CLAPCLAP* Appreciate the work that you all have done.. for me! 

The couple.
One two, three, four, five, six, ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou. Thank you for spending your precious time with me. Thank you for all the blessings from the warm hearts. 

Simply love you girls and guys. Just so sweet and so warm. And I really have fun everytime with you guys. Date me more I bet I will try my best to aside some time for you. Promise :)

Once again, Thanks for everything. The eggs, the cake, the frame, the celebration, the blessings, and most importantly, the love form all of you. Appreciate much!!

I simply love this picture ;p

Here done the second post. More to come. :)

PS: Wishes please do come true.