Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Ms Lo ♥

I know I shouldn't be here at this hour. Though all those financial subjects had been examined, there is still one last Business Stat happening tomorrow afternoon. BUTBUTBUT nothing can be more important than this! A very special day of ma girl, Ms Lo.

Hello babe, I just wanna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Congratulation for turning into 21st, like finally a real legal adult! Though you are so far far away, I still want you to feel the blessings, from all of my heart! I want you to be happier, a real one in the life. I know you always enjoy your life, and I hope this can last forever as seeing you happy can somehow have the happiness transmitted to myself. I know it isn't that easy, for you to go through everything, but I'm so glad that you made it, with the love from God, from family, and from us, FIRECRACKER SISTERS.

Lo Siew King, I love you! So much! Please don't let whatever stupid reason to distance us apart, ever! I want you to be my sister for the rest of my life, one who I can talk to when I want, one that we can live our own life and yet still have our hearts on each other. You know, the best dream that I ever had was thinking about how the four old grandma sticking around, shopping together, yamcha together, showing off to each other about their children and even grandchildren... Seriously, I want that! So before that, let us just have our own life first, fight for whatever that we wanted, and after we've achieved everything, we will still back to each other, the one and the only firecracker sisters

Lastly, I still wanna shout out very loudly: HAPPY 21st TO MA BABE!!! And yes, I simply love you so much!

N-years Picture 

PS: I'm really sorry for the delay but please 
Be patient for the hand-made birthday card from me to you ♥

Friday, May 25, 2012



有点小怀念曾经是怎样把每一件大事小事 好心情坏心情 都摆在部落格里

现在的自己 老了 也懒了 

45天。我没去计算 它也没在放慢 过分! 什么时候开始只剩下45天了? 时间啊时间,别再快了。至少这剩下的45天,让我好好的过,熟悉的地方,温馨的人,美味的食物。曾经以为自己很想离开这里 觉得自己除了食物以外 不会有任何牵挂。原来我大错特错! 原来除了食物 我还牵挂着一大堆 真的是一大堆 :(

从小 就一直被灌输着 ‘'你会去澳洲留学的观念'’。当然,我有在期待着。但怎么时间一到,真正要去的时候,却好像不怎么期待了。我也不晓得是怎么一回事啊,就 不舍得嘛。

算了。纯粹发牢骚,纾解考试压力。还是暂时不烦这些了。我要努力 加油 在精英大学过完最最最灿烂的大学二年级! <3

PS: 大家,六月1日后约我!!

Friday, May 11, 2012


Mid Term checked.
Assignments checked.
Ielts checked.

Since last friday, everything that filled my mind has finally done. I've rest for like a week. Of course I did non-stop reminding myself that the final exam is kind of around the corner, but yea, I still wasted one week. Having the most relaxed life, hanging with babes, movie and of course time wasted in front of lappie. ;)

Ohyea, great news! I scored an average of 7.0 for my ielts test! YES! Exactly met the English requirements of my future university! That really made my day as you know, no one feel like wasting another RM500 something just to retake another same test. I can feel my God listened to my prayer, all the time. <3

Another recent activity, obsessed with the great sandals branded Fitflop! Simply love the comfortable feeling and YES I cant wait to get it from US aunty with the super cheap price as compared to Malaysia :)) CLICK HERE to check out my favorite Frou in Black! Wink*

Pretty much updates of my recent life. Ok. I promised myself to start preparing for the final exam, and also not to forget spend some precious time with ALL my buddies before the day come. Time please slow down a bit, a little bit will do :(

PS: Guess I should start carrying my camera around.