Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Huiming's Legal Age.

28th September 2009

Stella Chong Hui Ming reached her legal age finally!!!
I am not a little girl anymore
No more childish no more innocence
I am now an adult!!!

Firstly, i wanna show the precious present from Mr. Wong Teck Kai who is so far away from me. It was really surprise to receive all these. I am just simply so touch when i saw them. Thanks a lot!! Mmuackss~

You're so far away but our hearts still stick together. Remember there is always four of us by your side!!! I believe we'll have the chance to celebrate anything again together. Miss you so much~~

Secondly, My college's classmates!! Cassandra, RongYi, HanLing, ZhiMay, Leon, MunKin, Kaiye. They celebrated for me in McDonald with lots of cheese cakes from Secret Recipe. Thank you all for yours true hearts. Thanks Thanks~~
After our class, i felt so sleepy and thus i didn't follow them went to Sunway. Instead, i went to centre to meet my mummies!! Mummy Christine and Mummy Jes sang the birthday song to me. Lots of huggie and kissing. Actually Mummy Christine wanna bring me go out mum mum but i think i should left some time for my Aunty and uncle. But But But, Mummy Christine said ok when i said next time i wanna have dinner with my Mummy Christine, Baba Tan, Jo Yee, Jo Ven and also Joel. Awaiting~

Here is the presents from them.
From Mummy Christine, Baba Tan, Jo Yee, Jo Ven, and Joel. Jo Yee said they went out and choose it together. You know how touch is it?
Can you see their signatures? ^^This is from my Mummy Christine and Mummy Jes.
It is not fully in Pink. But trust me, if it is from someone you care so much, then it will be the best!
I am so sure that the presents are expensive enough. But i really love them so much just as how much I love you all~ Thanks for loving me so much too.

Night, time for my aunty, uncle, and also my three little cute cousin sisters. We went to the "RongShuXia" to have steambot.

The only photo with my Uncle inside.^^Jessica.
It is hard to get one picture which both of us can pretty together!!Jesrine.

Oh My Gosh!! How cute is my baby Jeran!!!!!

I want a very big and expensive present from my aunty. But you know what did she planned to give me? A very big wardrobe to place my clothes!!! Don't want Don't want!!!! Hahahahhaa~

Lastly, time to talk about my last Sem's result. I just got it today and here is the result.
English Study Skills 1 *♥* B-
Accounting 1 *♥* A
Economics 1 *♥* A-
Malaysian Studies *♥* A
Quantitative Method 1 *♥* A

I got my GPA at 3.72. I aimed 3.8 actually!! English really pull me down a lot!! Now can you realise how poor is my english? Faint~ Anyway, everyone asked me to relax and work even harder in Sem 2. Mummy Christine Mummy Jes and Aunty Alicia said i will get better result in Sem 2! And i think i will too^^

Waowww~ Finally i done.
There is still the story in Sibu haven post yet.
I will try very hard to complete everything~

Recently, i feel like there are lots of people who really love me so much!! They really care me and love me. I wanna said thank you to you all and i promise i will cherish the time now!! Thanks God.

Thanks everyone!!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009



最重要的 我们见面了

她知道 我终是不爱做决定。
最后 我们选择了 龙的传人




她们禁止我再用那三岁小孩的钱包 要我马上换 有那么夸张吗?

娜娜宝贝的 神奇玩具相机

<2><3><4>之前之后 这张相片 是我收过最棒的礼物

渐渐呈现出 我们所拍的图片
神奇 神奇 神奇!!!
拍手拍手 Clapclap**

虽然 我们好久好久没有聚在一起了
但依然 我们有说不完的话题
我们依然保持着 鞭炮四姐妹的功力

这种缘分 好像早就注定了
太多的回忆 印在脑海里


