Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday Bashes # 3

Tadaaaaa This is the restaurant of Family-Birthday-Celebration. For those who understand Mandarin, weird name huh? The name 'Nelson Tan' translated directly to Mandarin and guess what, it brings the direrct meaning of ' Bird lays egg' in Mandarin. LOL

Quite love the food there. Chicken Teriyaki  especially! And the price.. damnit reasonable!! Worth trying :)

Cutecutecute? Four Js, my cutest cousins ever! They are.. when they weren't fighting actually hehehhehee :P But still LOVE THEM SO MUCH! <3

Same pattern? They call this 'Sista' ;)
Love her dimples!
Ouch! pinchpinch*
They say Family is Love. To me, can't agree more! No matter what is that fxcking thingy happen in life, they are always there. For times, they may have some opinion that turn you away, but whenever you need them, they are there. Family.. always the first!

Here done the 3rd post of my 20th birthday. Thank you for having it together with me. Seriously, I love you all so much! <3


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Birthday Bashes # 2

Tadaaaaaaaa Here come my second celebration. This is what done by the ex-college mates from SEGI UC. Guess what, I still have last year's surprise in mind until now. That was really a huge and 'horrible' one LOL Anyway, this year I should say that, Thank You for informing me the celebration earlier. ;)

Neway @ One U, our familiar place. :)

Make the wishes. Blow the candles. I am 20 now.
This is the true purpose of the red eggs. 

What should I say? They really knocked the eggs into my head! No kidding! Ouch! :p
That's the first time i received red eggs. Well, that doesn't include when I was a full-moon baby. Ops, that's the baby receive or the parents give out actually? Nahnah doesn't matter. The point is they said they made the eggs themselves! Kinda amazing huh? They are only 20 and they know already how to make that. CLAPCLAP* Appreciate the work that you all have done.. for me! 

The couple.
One two, three, four, five, six, ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou. Thank you for spending your precious time with me. Thank you for all the blessings from the warm hearts. 

Simply love you girls and guys. Just so sweet and so warm. And I really have fun everytime with you guys. Date me more I bet I will try my best to aside some time for you. Promise :)

Once again, Thanks for everything. The eggs, the cake, the frame, the celebration, the blessings, and most importantly, the love form all of you. Appreciate much!!

I simply love this picture ;p

Here done the second post. More to come. :)

PS: Wishes please do come true.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Birthday Bashes # 1

没错! 就在2011年9月28这一天,小姐我终于满20岁了! 复杂交错的心情,既开心亦伤心。开心自己长大了,懂事了,当然也更加成熟了。伤心嘛,啊! 老了! 但但但 还是想汗自己说声 

今年,第一个就汉自己的宝贝弟弟庆祝。Garden, 每一次经过都会被它那白色的三角钢琴所吸引,每一次都有冲动想进去。当然,一直以来都没真正踏进去用餐过。原因嘛,身边朋友们对它餐食的评语都没有很好。那一个晚上,还是心血来潮的,放弃了熟悉的餐厅,选了它! 好吧,不得不承认,餐食过得去, 但真的平平。

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ 这就是我的宝贝老弟! 谢谢你哦。特地帮我庆祝,特地买了蛋糕,特地选了粉红,还有就是那两根大大的 '2' '0' 蜡烛,超可爱! ♥♥♥
谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢。。。。。你! =D

接下来 当然就是收礼物时间。不不不 应该是叫做选礼物时间 呵呵 这个嘛 我可是看中很久了 当然那价格对我来说是有那么点过多 但如果是生日礼物的话 一年一次 不会太过分吧? 嘻嘻 

谢谢老弟 有爱♥
开心今年的生日有你。谢谢你的包容。不管我任性,你总是想尽办法来妥协我。谢谢你。长大了,会想了,所以在功课上要加油哦! 爱你爱你<3

PS: Wishes come true.