Tuesday, June 28, 2011

She is moving apart :(

She doesn't even remember I have this pic with me! :D
Look at her, she is my main point in this post! Please be proud!! LOL
Ting Ling Ming, Ah ming, Bobo.... She has a lot of names, but whichever name it is, she is my babe, the one that God've granted in my life. 

For those who know me well, you should be familiar with this girl. We were high school mates. God put her into my life since Form 3. Practically saying, we met when we were only like.. less than 10? It was according to her. She said she saw me in the church, which I was actually doing something that kind of 'attracted' her sight. Anyway, I have no idea about that. LOL

Lets start from Form 3, four of us which have a name of 'Firecracker Sisters' started to be put in the same class. It was like a foundation for our relationship. It was fate, we had our common talk, common sight, and we started to get along. Since Form 4, our relationship grew stronger. We had our school together, tuition together, movie together, yamchaa together... OMG We almost spend all the time together besides sleeping! I miss that!
2009, a horrible year! We spilt! Each and everyone of us! We studied different courses in different colleges. We spent the time less. We talk less. We met less. 
But know what, God loves us! HE then put us together in KL. We were somewhere far, but we still get to met. We were sometimes busy, but we managed the time. And again, when I changed my university to HELP UC, which is where my babe Ting used to study at, babe Ting and I get nearer! I can't imagine! Just FYI, I didn't choose HELP because of her, HELP is quite a not bad UNI with reasonable fees. 
And yea, since then, we met more often. 

Her 19th Birthday.
Another outing.
Dekai's Card-making day.
My place to her hostel is like a stone's throw distance! I can reached there in 10 or even less than that when the traffic is smooth. I can simply ask her out for movie anytime I feel so. I can simply give her a call and go for dinner anytime I feel so. I can simply go up to her place and eat her bread with mayonnaise and chicken floss anytime I fell so. When there was time that we both have classes, we used to have our lunch together. We used to took the HELP bus together. We used to talk and stalk about JB. We were so freaking near!
Time flies. The first picture on top showed when she first came here to HELP UC. Now, she's done with her A-level and 2 years simply just gone! It's the time now, again for us to kind of say good-bye. I really hate this! Why must us always have to face with this kind of situation? I can accept that life goes up and down, but not frens come and go! Where is IMU? Where is Bukit Jalil? How to drive there? I don't wanna lose contact with her! But IMU is far! When I need someone to go movie with me, who should I call now? When I need someone to din-in with, which when I want it to be you, what should I do? It isn't that easy like 10 minutes drive from my place anymore :(

We had kind of last easy outing before she moved to her new place. Green Lantern + Fong Lye Restaurant

And seriously, I'm going to miss this a lot a lot...

Thank you Ting Ling Ming. You know the two words mean a lot. I know when you are far, when we just dont come out always and talk always, our relationship will be faded. You will slowly be closer with those nearer and so will that happen to me. But no matter what, when we meet, we must have a lot to talk about! MUST! I will try my best to get use to the way of your place and meet you more than often! BTW Do you actually remember that you just asked me to drive to your place to meet you and you will be sponsoring my petro? Well you probably just said that for fun but too bad, I heard it and I take it like really seriously! Hax~

Do you girls still remember this? That was the first time we met in KL! We were all from the other part across the sea but when we are here, we can still meet up! This is kind of fate that pull us together, I deeply trust that. So no matter where are we going to be in the future, I know nothing will be pushing us apart, our hearts just so gonna be stick together until the end of the world! 

PS: I love my girls!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



Since when, I have so many things to take care of? They don't stop. They're just coming non-stop. Like the wave, when you see it, you know it is coming and you starting to worry about it. You think a lot, plan a lot, wondering about the best way to solve it out. And when you finally like almost going to have it done, another wave reached! Urghhh!! They don't give me my time and my space. Well, sometimes it isn't only about suffer, just as the wave, it's not only about bad stuff as some people sees wave as an enjoyment, it is just thousands of stuff for me to think and to plan about. 

For example, coming Saturday there is a small house warming party of my friend. It should be a kind of relaxation and of course it is to me. But I wondering why, recently I just can't take that too easily. These and those just pop out in my mind asking me to pay attention of. My brain said I have to plan the time properly so that the Saturday night is just for the party but nothing else. My brain said I have to quickly contact with the person who's going to pick me about the time and everything, but DAMN I haven't plan the time yet! My friend need a cake from my uncle so should I get it from uncle's factory on Saturday noon before the party or should I just ask my uncle to take it back home at Friday night?  If I'm going to get it at the noon of the day then what time should I go? Aunty's having facial and I can't leave home easily as I have 3 little princess to take care of. How about Friday night? But will the cake's quality declines after putting there for a night? Or is there actually in the fridge a place for the cake to stay over night?? AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I don't even have time to think about WHAT SHOULD I WEAR AT THAT NIGHT!

That's just one out of many of it! I am still thinking about my studies, assignments, brother's studies, blog's update, friend's birthday party, couple of outings, friend's coming over, plan about going back home, plan about year 2 subjects, car service........... I know they aren't that complicated but I just can't stand thinking!
God please HELP!

The characteristic as a Libran stands a great role in this i guess. I want everything to be perfect and this is the main reason! Librans just love to put everything on a balance scale and measure them to the balanced! When any side of it is heavier or lighter, we will try our best to really balance them to the perfect! Another word, Librans love to make themselves suffer! Ridiculous huh? I think so too! But that's us, Librans! 

Finally, enough complaints! Life still goes on after my complaints! *DAMN* Stuff still there waiting for me to decide and manage! *DAMNDAMN* I haven't done my studies for tomorrow's tutorial! *DAMNDAMNDAMN*


Friday, June 17, 2011

台湾趴趴走 篇二

纯粹喜欢这张照片 就让它放在第一张 :)
Day  ♥

起了个一大早,原来台湾的天空亮的快。才接近早上6点,那天已经亮得像吉隆坡的8点。听比我更早起身的舅母说,原来那天空在早上5点就已经亮成那个样子了。套一句珠珠说的话"真是不简单" 呵呵




这些是什么? 他们不是雕像!他们是真人! 一动也不动的站在那里让游客们拍照。你可以想象吗? 站在那里一个小时, 汗流满面也就算了,苍蝇蚊子也都算,如果游客们不小心在他们面前说了很好笑的笑话,他们连有个表情或眨个眼都不行啊!! 天! 是什么人会接受这种训练? 我搞不懂~

幸运的我们,刚好碰到他们换人的时段。那仪式,整个是隆重到。。。这让我想起曾经是红星月会的我。那时候的我们,也是这样子被训练的。为了比赛,为了表演,我们也是这样在太阳底下,一步步操出整齐,操出纪律。Hmmmm 怀念!


这个虾球我超爱! 两球台币50元。感觉有一丁点贵,可是它的好吃度远远胜过价钱,所以超划的哟! 现在想起来居然想马上飞去吃,我这样表达有感觉到它的好吃了吗? 呵呵


这大约一个小时半的火车程,带我们大家从台北去到花莲。对了,再见台北,我们5天后见 =)



在清新的空气里看瀑布,感觉就是很棒! 经导游的介绍,我们才知道原来这是山水,可以饮用的山水。 好棒!


喜欢这个! ♥



PS: 好多好多的东西等着我 我要好多好多的时间 :(

Sunday, June 12, 2011

台湾趴趴走 篇一

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ 我回来了。休息了一个礼拜, 现在有精力来更新我的部落格了。PowerUpUp!!

以往每每看到电视上播放关于台湾夜市 那各式各样让人垂涎的小食 心理就会很激动 "有那么好吃吗? 好像去试试看哦!"

Day 1 ♥


习惯坐飞机时拍拍那朵朵的白云 好美。

疑惑吗? 怎么会有只狗狗的照片在机场里? 告诉你, 它可不是只普通的狗! 它汉几个兄弟姐妹一起肆无忌惮地在我们的行李上闻啊闻 嗅啊嗅的, 确保我们没带什么非法的东西入境。蛮先进的吧?至少我还没在马来西亚的机场看到类似的东西。

紧接着, 就是这两个陪了我们全团17人7天6夜的旅游巴汉导游, Jimmy Tan。这导游可不简单, 说服力强且又精通命理学术, 人生经验丰富。撇开他说服我们购买那些旅行团所指定的东西外, 他是个蛮不错的导游。

第一站 子弹火车。

子弹火车带我们从桃园去到台北。忘了是多长的时间, 我只记得很快。

接着 司机小陈就在我们到台北的西门町。喜欢台北当时的天气。虽然是旁晚5点多, 她没有马来西亚那像要把人烘干的大太阳, 只有微微的凉风, 走在西门町的街上感觉是种享受 :)

这是导游极力推介的阿宗面线。印象中电视上很常有介绍。回到马来西亚才从朋友的口中得知, 那是每个旅客都会关顾的面摊之一哦。感觉还不错, 不晓得是不是因为饿了, 还蛮好吃的说。不过那店面很棒的一件事就是, 他们没有桌子, 只有不到20张的凳子。但有什么问题, 他的顾客们连蹲着站着都要关顾他, 很棒吧?

接下来的, 大家就自己看图想故事吧 呵呵

这个苦瓜大王也是值得一试的饮料。加了蜜糖的苦瓜, 有苦瓜的味 却没有苦瓜的苦。好喝!!

吃饱喝足了, 接着就是我们可爱的饭店了。第一个晚上, 住的就是4星级的莱阁汽车旅馆。这家旅馆的特点就是它每一间房都有自己独特的风格汉设计。什么海洋世界 西部牛仔 秘密花园 是伤风 休闲风 小学教师。。。 真的每一间都让人耳目一新哦! 有兴趣的朋友请点这里 =D

我汉舅母还有大表妹同房。打开门进去看到的 一切都正常。有舒服的大床, 让人开心的浴室, 最重要的是有无线上网! 但再仔细一看, 问题就在这里。

这是一道玻璃,就玻璃窗能有什么问题? 它的问题就是那玻璃窗是直接从房间直透浴室! 再清楚点,房间里的人可以非常清楚的看到浴室里的人。这样有明白了吗? 呵呵



原来,汽车旅馆之所以有这样一个名字,其实是因为每一个来投暂的房客是可以直接把自己的车开到房间外的停车房。当他们一下车,就可以从停车房直接进入他们专属的房间。这样一来,不用经过饭店大厅,避开了任何人的耳目,所已成了偷情的好去处。这一趟,学了不少呢 =)


PS: 明天是星期一,给我无限的力量来完成10个小时的课!!